Currently, we are the on the Integers Unit in Math. We had to test in this unit, the first one being addition, and the latest, subtracting. On the Subtracting Integers test, I got 15.5/16. The half-mark that I lost was because I forgot to put the answer to (-2) - (+3) and (-3) - (+2). Recently, I have been noticing that the marks I have been losing are the little things, I way I am going to change this is to go slowly, not rush, and double-check. However, I am satisfied with the marks I have been reciev 



1 Comment

I've been doing really well in math in my opinion, but I feel like I could do a bit better. On the first test, which was on multiples and factors, I got a B+, the reason I think I got that mark is because I didn't really follow the criteria to get an A. I didn't really like how it was marked though, I feel that math should be marked on the score you got, ex. 50/60. On the second test, I did really well in my opinion, I got 51/56, which is 91%, I believe that's an A. Now, we are working on multiplying and dividing decimals.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2012

