Recently, we have been reading a book called "The One and Only Ivan" by Katherine Applegate. We have been commenting on this site called "Edmodo" and this site helps our class interact with other schools around the world. Also, the site lets us share our thoughts and opinions with each other. Here are some of my comments that I have posted:

In my opinion, I think that Ivan is feeling...very grumpy. Creating "me-balls" and throwing them at people. I also think he is very frustrated, behind glass, which is basically the "gorilla version" of behind bars. I think Mack is just using him for the money, using Ivan as his "Picasso", waiting for him to draw/paint, and then selling them for 20-30 bucks each! Mack is taking way too much advantage over having a gorilla in a mall! He also might be feeling curious, throughout the first few chapters of the book, he has been wondering if he is the only gorilla in the world left. He saw a gorilla on the television and I bet he's wondering a lot about himself and if he is ever going to find a female gorilla or even find a gorilla.

"In my size, humans see a test of themselves" - Ivan
I think this means that once people see him, they ask themselves "Wow, this gorilla is so big, should I be afraid of him and run away?"
What do you think this means?

My next steps are: Give more examples

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    About Me

    I live in Surrey, British Columbia and I'm currently in the project of 28 students creating a website. If you want to check them out, go to the contacts tab up above.   


    October 2012
    September 2012

